To Papa and Mama
Congratulations, cordial, true,
We bring to you, good friends, today,
As the swift passing years have brought,
This joyful anniversary day.
Backward your thoughts will surely turn
To scenes of fifty years ago,
When sunshine gilded all your path,
When youthful life, with hope, did glow.
That day, with young and happy hearts,
You stood together side by side;
Calmly you pledged your marriage vows,
Husband so proud, with lovely bride.
Now fifty years have glided on,
Its joys and sorrow you have known;
In all, the goodness of our Lord,
His loving kindness has been shown.
Our Father's hand has guided you
Through each step of the varied way;
His watchful care has been around,
Has shielded you, from day to day.
So now, with humble, grateful hearts,
You both can look back o'er the way,
Thanks the dear Lord, who grants this bliss
To see your golden wedding day.
Aye, fifty years of wedded life,
In fellowship so pure and sweet;
With children dear and many friends,
All serve to make your life complete.
The years have not all sunshine been,
But neither have they been all shade;
Yet both alike, in storm or calm,
Our gracious Lord has been your aid.
We wish it might be granted you
Your diamond wedding here to see;
May friends and all that makes life dear
For many years be granted thee.
May He who in the past hath led,
Keep you, through all the years to come,
Ever your guide and comfort be,
Till He shall bid you welcome Home.
Then, when around the throne of God,
The blessed marriage supper there
Of Christ the Lamb, who died for us,
The wedding garments you will wear.
Safe in our Father's house above,
With all your loved ones, you'll adore
The grace that led you safely home,
Home to the golden heavenly shore.